
About Us

A Voice for the Global Tech Community

Since its founding in Silicon Valley in 2012, PingWest has been an interpreter both of and for the tech world, working to make sense of all that is happening at the forefront of technology. We help tech companies connect with one another and the public, and find their way in new parts of the world.

We are many things—a media company and a marketing one; a distinctly Chinese company and, at the same time, an avowedly international one. But in all that we do, across every platform and in every venue, our mission is simple: to expand the global tech community, its voice, and its potential to do great things in the world.


If you’d like to collaborate with PingWest, feel free to contact

All that we do is in service to helping the global technology community to grow, and to share the benefits of tech more widely, more fully, and more evenly. As a part of that mission, we work with companies from everywhere in the world—from the smallest startups to established giants like Google—to help them connect with the unique markets of China and Southeast Asia, whether it’s to find investors or new partnerships to support their work in their home markets, or to gain the local support and knowledge they need to expand into new territory.


Content Marketing

“Content” shouldn’t be an empty word. We write substantive stories, compellingly told, to share with your existing and potential users who you are, what it is you do, and why it matters.

  • Interviews

    With seasoned reporters

  • Infographics

    To communicate details at a glance

  • Product Reviews

    To give readers an in-depth look at what you make and do

  • Videos

    To help you speak directly to the largest audiences possible


Event Organization

Meet with business peers and consumers, exchange ideas, elevate awareness of what you do, and catalyze new partnerships—there is no single better way to do all of this than through a well-organized event. We help clients arrange everything from presentations to workshops, demos to hackathons, with each event tailored to your specific needs and audience.

  • PingWest SYNC and HAY Events

    Connect with diverse audiences of entrepreneurs, investors, and consumers.

  • Salons

    Meet with users and others in customized forums for in-depth and informative discussions.

  • Hackathons

    Engage directly with developers and help them become more familiar with what it is you do.

  • Meetups

    Speak with real users and customers and see how they interact with your products and services.


Consulting Services

Get the knowledge and local support you need to find the best way forward in China and Southeast Asia, whether that need is for marketing, localization, business development, or something more.

  • Market Entry & Research

    With our intimate knowledge of the tech industry both in China and globally, we provide in-depth, data-driven research and analysis on evolving consumer demands, industry trends, competitive landscapes, and specific business ecosystems, so that you can chart your way through any market.

  • Business to Business

    Get connected with peers, investors, and specialists in new areas, and find partners with exactly the right resources and expertise you need to launch into new ventures.

  • PR Strategies

    Needless to say, PR and marketing strategies need to be adapted to local cultures. That can be challenging enough, but is all the harder in China and Southeast Asia, where whole societies, markets, and demographics are in constant shift. What’s needed is a PR strategy that is not just culturally aware, but far-sighted and responsive to ongoing change.

  • Complete Marketing Solutions

    An integrated, end-to-end plan of consulting, marketing, and event services, from pinpointing your market to crafting strategy to putting it into practice, all adapted to your exact needs.An integrated, end-to-end plan of consulting, marketing, and event services, from pinpointing your market to crafting strategy to putting it into practice, all adapted to your exact needs.